Enrolling at Twynham Sixth Form

Firstly, congratulations on receiving your GCSE Results!

The points below outline what you need to do to enrol in Twynham Sixth Form. We have adapted this to meet the current social distancing criteria and there will be no need for you to attend the school site to enrol.

  1. Please fill in the form below today (Thursday 20th August) by midday - making sure that you provide us with an email address and mobile number that you will be contactable on today and tomorrow. Part of this form asks for a photograph of your results; this should include all of the results sheets that came in your results pack, or, if your school provides one, a summary sheet with your overall grades on.
  2. Once you complete the form, you will receive an email to confirm that you have submitted it and to remind you of the next steps detailed below.
  3. A member of our Leadership Team will call you to confirm your subject choices and talk through your results. This call will happen tomorrow (Friday, 21st August).
  4. Following your phone call, you will receive a confirmation email containing a Registration Form. It is vital that this is completed before September.

If at any point you are unsure of the process, or have any questions, please email office@twynhamsixthform.com. We will be checking this email address constantly throughout Results Day and afterwards, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

We look forward to talking to you soon, and seeing you in September.


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