
Student Life - Overview

Student Life at Twynham Sixth Form has been summed up in the video below, which was made by some of our current students.

Beneath are further guidelines as to what to expect as a student here.

How many subjects can I take?

With the reforms of A Levels, with linear courses being phased in and modular courses being phased out, students will be advised to take 3 A Level courses from Year 12.

What will my timetable be like?

Students in Year 12 have 10 lessons of their chosen subjects per fortnight, and students in Year 13 have 9 lessons per fortnight of their chosen subjects.

Lessons are 1 hour long and there are 5 of them per day. During the day you may have some 'free' periods which can be spent in the Common Room, the Library, or the allocated Sixth Form Computer Rooms.

Each year group has an assembly once per fortnight and you will be expected to attend this.

Some subjects have 'Period 6 lessons' which are from 3:20pm to 4:20pm. These will appear on your timetable and you are expected to attend them.

Can I park on site?

Parking on site is very limited and is reserved for those with disabilities. You should apply for a parking permit by contacting the Sixth Form team.

If you intend to drive to school, please be considerate of where you park and bear the local residents in mind when choosing a parking spot for your car.

In addition, please make sure that the Sixth Form office has your car details in case we need to contact you about it during the day.

Will my parents be informed of my progress?

Yes. Although we expect you to take more responsibility for yourself and for your learning once you are at Twynham, your parents will be able to view your attendance and progress reports online. If we believe that there might be a problem with your progress or your attendance then your tutor will work with you to help you to get back on track.

Can I choose my tutor group?

No. All tutor groups and class lists are put together randomly which means that all students are in the same situation. We pride ourselves in bridging the gap between school and, for the majority of our students, university. Therefore meeting new people in a new environment is an important part of the process. We do have communal morning and lunch breaks when you can meet with your friends.


  • December 6, 2022 Working together - Sixth Formers joined students from all trust schools last Friday to engage in the development of our Neighborhood plan. Important work planning for the future of our town. Students from Twynham Primary pictured.— Twynham Sixth Form () December 6, 2022
  • November 11, 2022 Genuinely humbled by the commitment of staff that make these trips possible. These Year 9s had likely never experienced a school residential as a result of Covid - what a first trip to go on! Read more— Twynham School () November 10, 2022
  • November 10, 2022 Genuinely humbled by the commitment of staff that make these trips possible. These Year 9s had likely never experienced a school residential as a result of Covid - what a first trip to go on! Read more— Twynham School () November 10, 2022
  • October 21, 2022 We're getting excited and looking forward to welcoming Year 11 students and their parents to our open evening tonight. All are welcome, be seated for 6:30.— Twynham School () October 20, 2022
  • October 21, 2022 Twynham sixth form shining bright tonight proud to be a part of this amazing post 16 curriculum offer— Amanda Britton () October 20, 2022
  • October 21, 2022 Thanks to all who joined us in the Art Department last night at Open Evening. We hope you enjoyed our projection show! Big thanks to Toby, one of our current Year 12 Art Students, for setting it all up from scratch and running it throughout the night!— Twynham TGS Art Department () October 21, 2022
  • October 21, 2022 Thanks to all who joined us in the Art Department last night at Open Evening. We hope you enjoyed our projection show! Big thanks to Toby, one of our current Year 12 Art Students, for setting it all up from scratch and running it throughout the night!— Twynham TGS Art Department () October 21, 2022
  • October 20, 2022 Twynham sixth form shining bright tonight proud to be a part of this amazing post 16 curriculum offer— Amanda Britton () October 20, 2022
  • October 20, 2022 We're getting excited and looking forward to welcoming Year 11 students and their parents to our open evening tonight. All are welcome, be seated for 6:30.— Twynham School () October 20, 2022
  • October 18, 2022 Operation Open Evening in full swing with the team boxing up our new prospectus and course books ready for a busy Thursday night. 6:30pm -Thursday 20th October - Twynham School. No booking needed to attend.— Twynham Sixth Form () October 18, 2022
  • October 18, 2022 Looking forward to seeing our Year 11 students, their parents and many others from across the local area on Thursday evening. continues to go from strength to strength.— Twynham School () October 17, 2022
  • October 17, 2022 Looking forward to seeing our Year 11 students, their parents and many others from across the local area on Thursday evening. continues to go from strength to strength.— Twynham School () October 17, 2022
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